A robot/AI rears a girl in an underground facility after extinction of humans but their relationship is endangered with the arrival of a stranger and her news.
Trapped in an automated prison, a man re-examines his memories for clues about his captivity, racing for solutions as the prison begins malfunctioning.
A young coder gets invited to visit the world's leading search engine company, but is surprised to be asked to evaluate the human qualities of a new AI.
A troubled young assistant's dark origins, and how he became eyewitnesses to the emergence of how Frankenstein became the man - and the legend - we know today.
A sci-fi thriller intended to draw a contrast between rational and emotional decision making, wrapped-up in a suspenseful tale of alien artificial intelligence.
A personal healthcare robot helps a boy cope with the loss of his older brother, as they go on to save the city from a supervillian and rescue a lost pilot.
Jacq Vaucan is an insurance agent of ROC robotics corporation who investigates cases of robots violating their primary protocols against harming humans.
A coder experiences psychological issues while he works on a philosophical problem disguised as a program and falls in love with a Virtual Reality world.
Documentary about Ray Kurzweil and the Singularity, a point when technology will be changing so rapidly that we'll have to enhance ourselves with AI to keep up.
Although not as groundbreaking as the original "Tron," CLU and the ISOs in this sequel continue to be great examples for AI and computational neuroscience.