Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Released in: 2011
Movie Description
An origin story set in present day San Francisco, where man's own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of higher intelligence in apes.
Current Ratings
- Overall: 2.5
- SD: 0.9
- Votes: 54
- Overall: 3.7
- SD: 0.9
- Votes: 57
- Overall: 3.3
- SD: 1.0
- Votes: 54
Rate Movie
The most important terms found in IMDb reviews of this movie and their weights, according to a term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf-idf) model. Learn more here.
- apes: 0.94
- chimps: 0.15
- rise: 0.12
- chimpanzee: 0.1
- cure: 0.08
- planet: 0.07
- chimpanzees: 0.07
- drug: 0.07
- primate: 0.06
- 1968: 0.06
- primates: 0.06
- humans: 0.05
- monkeys: 0.05
- monkey: 0.05
- animal: 0.05
- bridge: 0.04
- disease: 0.04
- sign_language: 0.04
- scientist: 0.04
- summer: 0.03
The nine most similar cognitive science movies to this movie, measured with the cosine distance between tf-idf vector representations based on IMDb reviews of the movies. Learn more here.

The ten most similar cognitive science encyclopedia articles to this movie, measured with the cosine distance between tf-idf vector representations of the movies and articles. Learn more here.
Primate Language
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Primate Cognition
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Cognition Animal
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Consciousness Animal
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Comparative Psychology
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Culture Cogsci
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Teuber Hans Lukas
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Social Cognition Animals
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Cognitive Ethology
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Animal Communication